Jenkins Dark Mood

3 min readMay 19, 2022

In this article, I will show you how to make the theme dark.

Are we ready? Let’s go..

This is the first page that you will see when you connect to the Jenkins server and most of the Jenkins-related operations are done from the manage Jenkins.

If we chose Manage Jenkins, it’s time for plugins. What are these Plugins?

In my opinion we can think of the plugin as a store because we get what Jenkins’ needs from here.

This part is important because the plugin has more than one title.

Which one shows the products in stock?

  • Of course the answer is “available”

Now we can search for the tools you want from the search section.

And we mark the tool we need/want.

If we mark ‘Restart Jenkins when installiation is complate and no jobs are running’ Jenkins server will save changes and start again.

We wait and wait ..

At this stage, it asks for the username and password that the user created while logging in.

There is one more important point to tell you here.

We re-enter the plugin before the system configuration from the system management, but this time under the plugin manager title, select the installed job.

!! If this job is not enabled we could not run it as we want !!

Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > System Configuration > Configure System

This page shows us all the tools installed in the Manage Plugins.

In this step we will try to find the plugin we installed.

That’s all easy right?

Hope you enjoy..

